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The Language of Process

How does your organization describe business processes? Few organizations can claim that they do so in a language all employees understand. If your employees find business process descriptions can they be 100% confident that they are reading the current and approved version?

In this blog Mike Gammage argues that process notation is now a strategic issue for enterprises, and that the previous non-choice of letting people do their own thing, is now a risk for the business, and an issue the savvy CIO / COO need to join forces on.

So, what process notation should you choose? What are its characteristics? Interestingly Mike argues that the currently most hyped process notation (BPMN) could prove to be the wrong choice, as it's bent on the goal of process automation, rather than process comprehension.

For FS firms with stringent compliance requirements, process automation is important.  But failure of staff to understand and comply with required process can leave most process automation initiatives still subject to the vagaries of human interpretation and free choice.  The greater risk for your business?



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