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Next real use case for mobile banking is mobile trading

According to the report from Bank of America, their mobile banking users make account balance enquiries and one-off payments in 90% of the logins. This narrow use of the service is because: they still have to educate their customers whats more available on the mobile, or if the customer really wants to do something else, he/she will use the online banking instead.

The question is if there is some other, real use cases for mobile banking?

I think there is one, called mobile trading.

The market is so volatile today, that even some intraday changes can ruin one’s portfolio. The need for quick intervention is more important than ever. Providing market information, portfolio value and order entry capability makes absolutely sense on the mobile. In the past, these information were usually pretty complex to show on a small mobile device screen, but today the screens grew bigger enough to show meaningful information. In addition, the SMS channel can be very efficiently used to alert about big market changes or price drop of a stock in your portfolio.

So using mobile trading, you can be alerted about the storm, and pull out an umbrella immediatelly.

Some early movers has already started on this path, E-Trade (, for stock trading and IG Index ( for FX trading are good examples.


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