FPL names FIXML Flyer official FIX certifier

Source: Fix Protocol

FIX Protocol Ltd (FPL) has announced that FIXML Flyer in collaboration with Tepin Information is now an official certifier for the FPL sponsored FIX Certification Program.

They will join Aegis Software Inc, B2BITS, Javelin Technologies Inc and TransactTools as certifiers. Information about the current FIX Certification Program can be found at the following link fixprotocol.org/cert.

Brian Ross, CEO of FIXML Flyer commented, "Certification is all about a successful implementation. It's more than evangelising FIX; it's understanding fixed income processes and educating institutions on using FIX in fixed income. Our goal is to make it easier and cheaper for fixed income shops to use FIX." FIXML Flyer's FIX engine is available free for testing and certification.

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