Gemalto launches EMV Pilot Package for Canadian banks

Source: Gemalto

Gemalto, a world leader in digital security, today announced a new end-to-end solution to help Canadian debit and credit card issuers implement the international EMV standard.

Its EMV Pilot Package includes microprocessor-based smart card technology to provide better security to cardholders, as well as personalization and consultation services. With this comprehensive offer, Gemalto utilizes its global expertise and extensive experience to completely manage a financial institution's EMV migration from start to finish.

"Card issuers in Canada will find this solution particularly useful. As they gear up to meet aggressive deadlines for implementing the international EMV standard, many are realizing how demanding such a program can be," said Jack Jania, vice president and general manager of financial services for Gemalto North America. "Our EMV Pilot Package makes migration easy for issuers by providing everything necessary to successfully participate in EMV without relying extensively on internal resources."

The EMV Pilot Package includes banking cards containing Gemalto's secure digital technology, as well as data preparation, personalization and fulfillment of the cards at a state-of-the-art Gemalto center. Gemalto will also train the internal teams of its card-issuing clients extensively on all activities associated with EMV migration.

"Credit and debit cards with microprocessor-based technology protects payment transactions from the most common forms of fraud worldwide," said Randy Vanderhoof, executive director of the Smart Card Alliance, a not-for-profit, multi-industry association representing the smart card industry. "Making it easier for first-time issuers to bring this security to cardholders benefits financial institutions and consumers alike."

With this initiative, Gemalto builds on its position as the world's leading EMV solution provider. Financial institutions around the world are moving to microprocessor-based payment cards, following standards established by Europay, Visa and MasterCard (EMV). Each bankcard contains a computer that better protects cardholders from the risks of credit card fraud and identity theft. Such conversion is continuing to gain momentum due to the advanced services offered on the microprocessor bankcard platform, as well as the looming liability shift dates mandated by Visa and MasterCard.

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