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Banking is easy..

  • You just accept deposits and make loans with high margins.
  • If you are a start-up bank you just pay more for the deposits and then place the money in high-earning but still quite secure loans and interesting new papers some call hybrids.
  • If you think this is risky you just place the money in a good number of papers - all will not go bankrupt - at least not at the same time.
  • Heavy advertising and marketing is a sure way to build image, brand and trust. Unfortunately it is expensive so volume growth has to be quadrupled - which is easy.
  • Simple solutions make you look simple so it is important to make the "products" at least appear extra complicated.
  • Triple A papers are totally secure - even for perpetual loans - but really boring and lowyielding - so do not recommend it to your investment customers.
  • Payment service is boring and should be left as basic as possible.
  • Regulators are stupid and political enemies - give them a finger and they will not only take your hand but the whole body. Keep them at bay with all possible methods.

Just follow these rules and you cannot avoid getting rich..


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