MasterCard MasterPass arrives in the UK

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This content has been created by the Finextra editorial team with inputs from subject matter experts at the funding sponsor.

MasterCard has brought on board some major retailers, including Argos and Boots UK, as well as issuer MBNA, for the UK launch of its MasterPass digital payments service.

 MasterCard's Andrew Key and IMRG's Andrew McClellend spoke to Finextra about the service.

Comments: (1)

A Finextra member 

This is the beginning of the end of cash as we know it today. It will be a slow but sure road to cash’s oblivion.  Nearly two thirds of Australians have smartphones.  Four other countries have an even higher percentage of smartphone take-up than Australia.  These growing and dynamic smartphone penetrations, together with the launch today of MasterPass, which is a virtual wallet, are significant precursors to a cashless society.