Discover Network, a business unit of Discover Financial Services and Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS), announced today that it has reached agreements with five financial institutions to issue credit or prepaid cards on the Discover(R) Network.
New network issuers include: Alliance Data, Dallas, Texas; First Bank & Trust, Brookings, S.D.; Morgan Beaumont Inc., Bradenton, Fla.; West Suburban Bancorp Inc., Lombard, Ill.; and Palm Desert National Bank, Palm Desert, Calif.
These five issuers are part of a growing list of previously announced issuers, including HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A., affiliates of GE Consumer Finance, and CompuCredit Corp., among others.
"Discover Network is pleased to announce these new relationships, which demonstrate our strategy of supporting multiple issuers and products while bringing choice and value to merchants, issuers and consumers," said Joe Hurley, vice president of network strategic development for Discover Financial Services LLC. "The Network welcomes issuers of all sizes, ranging across the credit, debit and prepaid card product spectrum."