Volante Technologies, Inc., the leading provider of platform independent data management solutions to the financial services industry, today announced the availability of SWIFT Standards Release Guide (SRG) 2006 and SWIFTNet FIN updates for their customers.
These updates, available to customers as a Volante SWIFT plug-in, include fully functional versions of the ISO 15022 data dictionary, the complete catalogue of all SWIFT messages and all network validation rules specified in SRG 2006.
Volante's SWIFT plug-in also supports system and service messages in addition to all categories of user-to-user messages. Volante ensures backward compatibility for all releases, and solutions developed using earlier versions of Volante can be migrated to SRG 2006 with minimal time and effort. Volante is infrastructure agnostic, unlike many of the larger EAI vendors, which means SWIFT messaging solutions developed using Volante can be seamlessly integrated into a customer’s existing middleware, such as J2EE application servers, message brokers or even existing applications.
This release follows Volante's February, 2006 "SWIFTReady Messaging Library" certification, a new category SWIFT created specifically for Volante based on the requirements of decoupling FIN messages from middleware in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services environments. Olivier Roucloux, former EAI Industry Analyst at SWIFT, noted at the time, "The trend of modern application architectures decoupling the message from the business application logic opens up a market need for integrating SWIFT into message libraries. We look forward to exploring these new opportunities with Volante."
"The fixed income market has become highly automated and messaging standards are playing more heavily into our business," said J. Michael Hopkins from ICI/ADP. "As SWIFT standards evolve and new regulations are issued, these need to be integrated quickly into our own systems to eliminate redundancies and reduce costs. Volante provided us with SWIFT SRG 2006 updates as part of our regular product maintenance. This minimized the time, effort and cost needed to make these changes, allowing us to remain focused on providing customers industry-leading functionality and support for all phases of their fixed-income trading operations."
"Our superior product architecture and "SWIFTReady" status means we can bring comprehensive standards updates to the SWIFT community before the competition," said Vijay Oddiraju, founder and CEO, Volante Technologies. "We've pre-built and pre-tested the entire catalogue of SWIFT messages, which greatly simplifies the development of SWIFT solutions. Our customers gain a competitive advantage because they can focus on the business-specific logic that's pertinent to their solutions instead of expending time, effort and expense on the integration."