A new Web site guides subscribers through the latest technologies and techniques to keep a low profile on the Internet and in one's financial holdings.
Members of Power Privacy learn the little-known limitations of anonymous Web surfing, anonymous e-mail, anonymous proxy, remailers and encryption, and why privacy seekers can no longer rely on these technologies. Other new approaches are recommended. Innovative directions are given for setting up maildrops without fake ID, and for PayPal verification in any name. Likewise, the site details the number one mistake people make that compromises their identity when setting up supposedly anonymous offshore holdings, and why complicated offshore structures rarely assure complete anonymity.
"It's a very different world today than when offshore companies, IBCs, investment or asset protection trusts and other structures were developed. Or when the books were written that popularized their use for tax planning or other financial privacy," said Power Privacy co-founder and publisher Jonathan Winthrop. "Power Privacy offers timely new information for post-Patriot Act era scrutiny of assets and Internet and offline activities, and provides new insight into how to avoid scams, tax fraud and credit card fraud."
Subscribers to Power Privacy can access the site's library of "how-to" articles and reviews of related products and services, listen to interviews with privacy specialists, download relevant documents and special software and discuss latest privacy-related technological developments like RFID and e-passports with fellow privacy seekers and experts.
In addition, a directory of trusted privacy-related product and service providers is a cornerstone of the site. "Thousands of companies offer to set up a mail drop, offshore accounts, an investment or asset protection trust or other financial constructs for clients. But many of these providers are fraudulent," said Winthrop. "Identifying the legitimate providers from the ones that take clients' money and run is a large part of the value of our site, saving subscribers thousands of dollars."