Six of Switzerland’s leading blockchain and IT institutions have joined forces to organise the country’s biggest blockchain hackathon in 2019. The Swiss Blockchain Hackathon will take place in June at Zurich’s Trust Square blockchain hub.
The main goal of the three-day event is to help turn the promise of blockchain into tangible business applications. To support this ambition, the organisers work with major corporations, top-tier academic institutions and Amazon Web Services as their main event partner to present hackathon participants with real-life challenges in fields as diverse as mobility, agriculture and food, finance, supply chain, public services and sports.
The Swiss Blockchain Hackathon will take place from 21 to 23 June and is jointly organised by Trust Square, Bitcoin Association Switzerland, CV Labs, Crypto Valley Association, Swiss Blockchain Federation and swissICT. The event expects to attract some 200 developers, creators and inventors from Switzerland and abroad to collaborate on solutions to a number of specific real-world problems, with the chance to win a range of attractive prizes. The challenges will be developed by industry partners Accenture, Agroscope, Canton of Zurich, Die Post, GCZ, Six Digital Exchange and ZVV in close collaboration with top-tier academic institutions and published on the hackathon website in March. Pre-registration for participants also opens in March. Official registration is scheduled to open in April.
The Swiss Blockchain Hackathon represents a joint effort by Switzerland’s leading blockchain institutions to turn the country’s enthusiasm for the technology and the vast talent within the local and wider blockchain community into tangible applications and business models across a wide range of sectors. In so doing, Trust Square and its partners are pursuing their mission to foster a sustainable technology ecosystem and further strengthen Switzerland’s position as a leading location for blockchain research and development.
Trust Square co-founder Marc Degen said: “The Swiss Blockchain Hackathon demonstrates the shared commitment of our blockchain community to put the country’s position as a leading global blockchain location on a sustainable basis. With the initial hype slowly fading, it is now the time to demonstrate the power of blockchain to solve real-life business problems. We are thrilled to host this event and thank all partners involved for sharing our vision and being engaged in this project with great enthusiasm.”
To create an infrastructure environment for innovative ideas to emerge, Swiss Blockchain Hackathon has teamed up with Amazon Web Services as their main event partner.