Volker Potthoff (51) will resign from Deutsche Börse Group with effect from 30 June 2006 supporting the company as a consultant until that date.
This was announced by Deutsche Börse on Monday. Potthoff's last post at Deutsche Börse was Managing Director responsible for Banking & Custody Services. He was also a member of the Group Executive Management at Clearstream International, as well as a member of the Group Executive Management and the Executive Management at the Clearstream Banking Luxembourg and Clearstream Banking Frankfurt subsidiaries. Potthoff is leaving the company by mutual consent in order to pursue new activities.
CEO of Deutsche Börse AG, Reto Francioni, thanked Potthoff for nearly 12 successful years at the company: "Volker Potthoff has made a considerable contribution to the company’s success in the various management positions he has held within Deutsche Börse Group."
Jeff Tessler, CEO of Clearstream International, said: "In the period that Volker was responsible for Clearstream, he helped build momentum in the company's client focus and Asian operations in particular."
Potthoff joined Deutsche Börse as General Counsel in 1994. He was appointed member of the Executive Board responsible for the Group’s cash market activities in 2000. Following management restructuring and the integration of Clearstream International into Deutsche Börse Group, he assumed the newly created post of Managing Director for Banking & Custody Services at the beginning of 2003. In this capacity he formed part of Clearstream’s top management.