As the Payment Card Industry (PCI) continues to heat up, Utimaco is providing enterprises in the banking and financial services sector with the opportunity to achieve PCI compliance through its latest launch, PaymentServer 3.00.0.
The new PaymentServer is a PCI Standards Security Council accredited PCI PIN Transaction Security Hardware Security Module Version 2 (PCI PTS HSM V2) solution that comes with a complete offering, including the HSM, a Software Development Kit, and additional services such as integration support, certification assistance and tiered maintenance. All of this allows Utimaco partners to focus on business innovation with the assurance that their work remains or regains PCI compliance.
Using Utimaco’s flexible software development kit, companies can reach full PCI compliance for a solution or environment based on the standard product offering from PaymentServer or via a customized and re-certified HSM application. PaymentServer can be leveraged for companies looking for PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), PCI Point-to-Point Encryption (PCI P2PE), or even for PCI HSM as a delta certification with custom code running on the HSM.
Companies in the banking and financial sectors are looking for a more competitive HSM market, reduced total cost of ownership and the ability to innovate from their technology platforms when investing in new technology. However, compliance remains mandatory. Utimaco’s PaymentServer offers a flexible, customizable HSM along with the support for integration and certification.
Utimaco may look like a newcomer to the banking and financial services sectors, as it has largely focused on general purpose HSMs, but the impression is deceptive: There are five solutions in the market for companies that require PCI PTS HSM V2, and three out of those five accredited solutions for uncontrolled environments are based on Utimaco’s CryptoServer CSe technology.
“The market for banking and financial services is changing, and technology like blockchain and PCI accredited payment HSMs are creating challenges for the traditional incumbents,” said Matthias Pankert, Senior Vice President at Utimaco. “This is why we decided to step out of the shade and relaunch our offering under our own brand. This way, we can broaden our visibility in the market and support a larger number of partners who wish to shape their own product offering using Payment Card Industry certified HSMs from Utimaco.
Utimaco’s PaymentServer 3.00.0 runs on the same hardware platform as general purpose HSMs and timestamp HSMs, making it an attractive, and affordable, solution for banking and financial services companies that require PCI compliance.
This announcement follows Utimaco’s news in July that its CryptoServer CSe HSM platform achieved PCI PTS HSM V2 compliance for uncontrolled environments from the PCI Standards Security Council, giving the payment card industry and consumers confidence that their data will be secure throughout the transaction process when using Utimaco’s HSM.