Metamako, one of KPMG’s top 50 tech-innovators and the leader in deterministic, ultra-low latency technology, has today announced that it is relocating to become a key participant in the fintech ecosystem in the Stone & Chalk fintech hub in Sydney.
Stone & Chalk is an independent, not-for-profit fintech hub, helping to foster and accelerate the development of world-leading start-ups. It is a physical “centre of gravity” for Australia’s vibrant fintech eco-system.
Dr. Dave Snowdon, founder and co-CTO of Metamako, said: “Metamako has been growing quickly since our launch at the end of 2013. We’ve recently made the decision to relocate to the Stone & Chalk offices in Sydney; we feel this environment will support and underpin our global strategy, focus and unique approach to innovation. This hub provides a fantastic opportunity to develop a dynamic, world-class fintech industry in Australia, and our involvement in this project will provide further scope for collaboration and growth.”
Alex Scandurra, CEO of Stone & Chalk, said: “Metamako is a valuable addition to our fintech hub and we are excited about helping them deepen their global reach. While the companies we support specialise in a range of services within fintech, Metamako is rather unusual amongst our members given they design and manufacture hardware for the global financial industry. They have come a very long way in a relatively short time and their innovative devices and global reach are representative of the dynamic way in which financial services are evolving.”
Since its launch Metamako has released a range of products which significantly reduce latency and provide rich built-in functionality and determinism, which is becoming increasingly important to financial markets participants.
In December 2014 Metamako was named in the 50 Best Fintech Innovators Report, compiled by KPMG in conjunction with Australasian Wealth Investments (AWI) and Financial Services Council (FSC). The report listed the world’s most innovative, disruptive and best-performing companies in global fintech.