G4S appoints Martin Taylor into the newly created position of Group CIO, effective today (3 March)
The Group Chief Information Officer is a new role for G4S. Martin will be responsible for developing and implementing IT strategy, including establishing global standards for infrastructure and applications as well as globalising the IT organisation and investment.
Martin brings considerable experience to G4S from Group CIO roles at EMI Music, Cable and Wireless, and most recently LCH Clearnet. He joins the group from Barclaycard where he has just completed a major transformational project.
Commenting on the announcement, Himanshu Raja, G4S Group Chief Financial Officer said: "In November, we said that a key component of our strategy was our need to develop a global IT strategy to deliver cost leadership and to strengthen our resource and capability in the global functions. We are delighted that Martin is joining us in this new role to lead this change. He brings with him a wealth of relevant IT experience at a senior level and this knowledge will be of great value to the team during what is an exciting time for our IT organisation."