BKM Express, the payment platform developed by BKM (Interbank Card Center of Turkey), continues to be acclaimed by the users with its new services.
With the new mobile application of BKM Express, cardholders can make payments at e-commerce merchants and transfer money through mobile phones. BKM Express gives the opportunity to transfer money to mobile phones or cards for 7x24 between different banks.
Dr. Soner Canko, CEO of BKM (Interbank Card Center of Turkey)
Dr. Canko highlighted the fast growth of BKM Express, which was launched last year in June with a pilot project, and said, "BKM Express has currently reached 150 merchants and 150 thousand users. The fast growing BKM Express has now carried its fast, easy and secure payment features, which are already being experienced online, to mobile phones with its mobile application and the newly added feature allows cardholders to transfer money to mobile phones or card numbers for 7x24. From now on, your digital wallet BKM Express will be accessible via the application on your mobile phone and the time needed to make payments and money transfer is shortened by accessing your cards, issued by different banks, from a single point. The exciting innovations of BKM Express will continue on the coming days."
Mobile Application of BKM Express Transfers Money Immediately for 7x24
Mobile Application of BKM Express can be downloaded from Apple Store free of charge. Members of BKM Express can immediately log in the application with their currently effective e-mail addresses & passwords and begin to transfer money. Those who are not already members of BKM Express, can immediately become a member with their e-mail address and a password. It is possible to add cards by clicking "Add Card" button and begin to make transactions after receiving a verification password from the bank.
With the user-friendly interface of this application, transferring money does not even take one minute. After clicking "Transfer Money" option on the main menu of the mobile application and then selecting "Recipient Selection" option, the phone or card number can be entered. After the bank/credit card, payment type and amount are determined, the money transfer is completed. The recipient can withdraw the money from any ATM for 7x 24 by using the reference code sent via an SMS.
The Difference of BKM Express on Merchant's Mobile Application
Mobile Application of BKM Express also offers its members to make online payments through the mobile phones. BKM Express members, who prefer to make a payment on the mobile applications of merchants, can click "Pay with BKM Express" option on the payment page and they will be forwarded to the mobile application of BKM Express. When they enter their e-mail address and password in the popped up application, they can reach all of their cards registered on BKM Express. After they select the card and payment option (in installments or advance), they can complete the transaction with a verification code that is sent by the bank to their registered mobile phone number.
BKM Express Reached 150 Merchants and 150 Thousand Users
Together with Its mobile application, BKM Express, which was launched one year ago to provide easy and fast online payments without any need to enter card details, today continues to be the sole payment platform to have these features. Having made a cooperation with the most distinguished e-commerce merchants of Turkey within a very short period of one year, BKM Express stands out with 150 merchants and 150 thousand users. It is estimated that the number of merchants and users will continue to increase quickly as a result of the benefits to be provided by the mobile application of BKM Express.