Xenomorph, the analytics and data management solution provider to global financial markets, and Numerix, the leading provider of cross-asset analytics for derivatives valuations and risk management, announced today its partnership agreement to offer a best-of-breed technology solution for derivatives trade pricing and risk management.
Through this partnership, users of Numerix Portfolio, the powerful and scalable front-office application for pricing and hedging complex OTC portfolios, have fully integrated access to Xenomorph's TimeScape analytics and data management system all in a single, centralized and high-performance framework. This combination delivers competitive pricing, hedging and risk management built on an automated, time-saving foundation of high quality, consistent input data.
TimeScape streamlines the capture, cleansing, storage, integration, analysis and distribution of complex market data and risk statistics for all current and future asset classes managed within Numerix Portfolio. Integrating the two technologies combines Numerix Portfolio's ability to provide uniform pricing and risk for any kind of OTC derivative with TimeScape's data model, which supports any user-defined financial product, however complex. The offering provides a decrease in front-office spreadsheets, reducing operational risk and providing a consistent framework for review by clients, auditors and regulators.
"The combination of Numerix Portfolio and Xenomorph's TimeScape creates a one-stop solution delivering a total system for comprehensive risk management. A few of the recent joint successes required Numerix and Xenomorph to work in tandem to address highly complex Basel III/IMA requirements. This could only be achieved through TimeScape ensuring data accuracy, consistency, and a full audit trail of how data was derived or calculated for regulatory compliance - for subsequent use in Numerix's pricing and risk management solution," says Naj Alavi, Managing Director, Xenomorph.
"Our continued work with best-of-breed partners ensures clients' needs are best served by providing comprehensive access to flexible solutions for sophisticated pricing analytics and effective risk management," said Steven R. O'Hanlon, President and Chief Operating Officer of Numerix. "With Numerix,, users have the ability to consolidate trades and positions from multiple source systems on to a single platform, and together with Xenomorph's applications for data management and normalization, deliver a powerful technology for complete analytics and data management."