A new customer survey, conducted by Payair, a leading mobile commerce company, shows that interest in mobile shopping is highest in the age groups 30 - 39 years and 40 - 49 years.
"This result is very surprising and quite opposite to common belief that those who embrace this new technology are primarily of young age", said Staffan Ljung, CEO of Payair.
A new customer survey, conducted by Payair, in which 483 consumers participated, shows that the interest in mobile shopping is highest in the age groups 30 - 49 years. But the survey also shows a great interest in mobile shopping among middle-aged Swedes and in the age 60 years and older.
Strong interest in mobile shopping among middle-aged, elderly and retired
The survey shows that among the 483 consumers in Sweden that participated in the survey, 28 per cent of those in age 30 - 39 years old express an interest in shopping with their mobile phones today. This is a higher percentage than any other age group. The age group 40 - 49 years follows closely behind with a 25 per cent interest. As many as 14 per cent of people aged 50 - 59 years are interested in mobile shopping.
Even older Swedes and pensioners are interested in mobile shopping: 8 percent of those who signed up for Payair's services are in the age group 60 years and older. Only 22 per cent of people aged 20 - 29 years show an interest in mobile shopping, and only 3.5 per cent of people under 19 years of age.
There is a difference in age groups between the genders of those who expressed a great interest in mobile shopping through Payair. Men in the age of 30 - 39 years are the largest group (28 per cent) among all men that participated, while the age group 40 - 49 years is the greatest among the women (32 per cent).
CEO of Payair, Staffan Ljung said: "The result is opposite to common belief that those who embrace new technology are primarily young people. It is very satisfying to find that mobile shopping attracts consumers in their middle ages and even older, and this is an important lesson for us and the entire industry to learn from in order to develop and market services and offerings accordingly."
Women moree interested in mobile shopping security than men
The survey found that for half of the consumers, security is the main issue. The mobile shopping service must be absolutely safe and secure. Security is more critical for women than for men: 64 per cent of women said that security is vital while less than half of the men stated that security is important.
Nearly a third of the consumers want the service to be simple and easy to use. A third of all men stated that it is important that the service is easy to use, but only one in five women think that ease of use is important.
Of the 483 consumers that participated in the survey, only 17 per cent stated that the speed of the service is important. Speed is more essential for men than for women.