Eurex Clearing is to lower the clearing fees for equity transactions on Xetra and Xetra Frankfurt Specialist with effect from 1 July.
The volume-dependent clearing fee will fall by 0.02 basis points for all participants. The volume-dependent fee will in future be 0.0008 percent for Xetra Frankfurt Specialist trading and between 0.0008 and 0.0003 percent in fully electronic Xetra trading - depending on monthly turnover volume. The new pricing model will save clearing customers up to 20 percent of total clearing fees.
"The reduced pricing model in equities clearing makes trading on the Xetra and Xetra Frankfurt Specialist even more attractive and puts us in an excellent position in the European clearing business," said Frank Gerstenschläger, Deutsche Börse AG Executive Board member responsible for the Xetra cash market segment.
Due to the stimulation in trading and clearing activity as a result of the new pricing model, Deutsche Börse expects a largely neutral effect on total turnover.
In clearing, receivables and liabilities from the securities business are aggregated or offset against each other. After the end of a trading day, the clearing house informs its members of their transactions as well as the remaining receivables and liabilities generated.