Pricing Partners, the world leader in OTC derivatives pricing analytics, mathematical models and independent valuation, announced today first-to market valuation services on proprietary indexes.
This enhancement will allow firms to price and benchmark their proprietary indexes in an accurate and transparent manner.
Offering strategies with high alpha and low beta, thanks to smart algorithms, proprietary indexes have become very popular for investors. These products have been developed by investment banks to mimic hedge funds with better transparencies as the trading rules, although complex, are disclosed to investors.
However, in order to guarantee a high transparency and accuracy, investment banks need independent organisation that can compute and incorporate these sophisticated trading rules and programs in their valuation platform. Pricing Partners is launching this new service on indexes to answer this need.
Mr. Eric Benhamou, CEO at Pricing Partners comments: "After years of innovation in payoff for structured products, we now see innovation in underlying with smart strategies to deliver high returns with low level of risks. This explains the success of proprietary indexes. Being the first to offer valuation on these proprietary indexes in the market, Pricing Partners is committed to continuously expanding product coverage and following innovation to provide our clients with the best valuation service."