Caplin Systems reports that its financial year just ended is the most successful in its history. During the year ended March 31st 2011, Caplin Systems increased its revenues by 53% while improving profitability over the previous year.
The increase in profitability was delivered despite the company making substantial investments in new staff, premises and systems.
Caplin won several new customers during the year including three international investment banks, one of the world's largest hedge funds and a major international broker/dealer. Its products have also been used in client projects that extend single-dealer platform functionality into new asset classes including futures & options and equity derivatives.
In order to manage its growing business Caplin has increased its permanent headcount by almost 40% and has relocated its headquarters to substantially larger premises in the City of London. The increase in staff numbers resulted from additional resource in sales, professional services, customer support, product development and user experience (UX) design services.
Elsewhere the company tripled the size of its offshore development operation, and established a permanent presence in New York in order to better service its growing North American customer base.
Paul Caplin, founder and CEO of Caplin Systems, said, "2010/11 has been a truly exceptional year for Caplin Systems. Industry adoption of single-dealer platforms, the company's primary focus, has increased substantially; there has also been an increased demand for multiple asset classes in single-dealer platform projects. Caplin was ideally positioned to take advantage of this opportunity with great products and a superb team of professionals in all areas of the company."
Paul Frew, non-executive director representing Elderstreet Capital Partners, the company's largest shareholder, commented, "I'm delighted with the company's performance this year - it justifies Elderstreet's original investment in the business. The company enters the new financial year with a strong order book and a healthy pipeline of opportunities; the board is confident that the coming year will be another exceptional one."