Sysnet Global Solutions today announced that they hope to increase their support staff by up to 35 people following the acquisition of two major banking clients in recent months.
Sysnet will deliver PCI DSS merchant portfolio compliance validation for both clients.
PCI DSS is a set of comprehensive requirements for enhancing the security of payment account data, transactions and processing systems. It was developed by the founding payment brands of the PCI Security Standards Council, and has been adopted by third party processors and merchant acquirers globally to combat cardholder data fraud.
The PCI DSS programme the banks will implement provides a complete suite of services including an online portal, merchant helpline and associated services supported by a clear compliance policy and charging structure.
"This is another very significant achievement for Sysnet, the company has grown rapidly in the last year and these latest client acquisitions will most likely see us add another 35 support people to our staff base." said Tom Moynagh, Managing Director at Sysnet Global Solutions.