BT, one of the world's largest suppliers of financial systems, today announced it has installed voice trading technology at KIDB-ICAP.
The Seoul-based company is a new interdealer broking venture created by ICAP, the world's largest interdealer broker, and Korean Inter Dealer Broker (KIDB), a leading player in Korean government bond broking.
Bond brokers at KIDB-ICAP are using BT's ITS pV405Hi turrets and pV42i speakers to handle and connect multiple lines. In busy markets, this allows brokers to listen to up to 12 or more individual open-line voice channels and respond to market opportunities as soon as they happen. The system, which went live in October 2004, took just seven days to install.
KIDB-ICAP considered voice trading technology from IPC and BT for its new operation. BT was chosen as it delivered superior voice quality and was competitively priced.
KIDB-ICAP is also using BT's ITSProfile to configure and manage all aspects of the ITS platform. This reduces the burden for administrators as system updates can be done either from the trading floor, or remotely. The technology is supported by a p51 telephony switch, which can easily expand to more than 100 users for future growth.
Mick Williams, general manager, Japan & Korea, financial services, BT consulting and systems integration, said: "With Korea's financial markets going through a period of transformation, the country is positioned to become a significant financial centre in Northeast Asia. Using BT's voice trading technology – designed specifically for the trading room – KIDB-ICAP is well placed to take advantage of the developments in the Korean market as it evolves and grows."
BT worked closely with local partner ECS Telecom, a leading enterprise voice solutions provider in Korea.