The updated SIX Swiss Exchange website, featuring a new structure, will go live on 25 January 2010.
Exchange participants, issuers and investors can now access the content relevant to them directly from the home page. Exchange statistics and information on the indices calculated by SIX Swiss Exchange are also easier to find, with both accessible from the main menu.
The SIX Swiss Exchange website, six-swiss, is used by more than 30,000 people every day. The new navigation structure channels the website according to visitors' differing needs right on the home page. To this end, new sections have been created that allow participants/traders, investors and issuers to call up information tailored specifically to them in a concise form.
The website update has also increased the range of information available for issuers. Current and prospective issuers alike can find information on the Swiss financial market and on listing, for example. The main menu also gives investors access not only to the statistics section, but also to a new index section that provides an overview of the approximately 1,400 SIX Swiss Exchange indices.