BPC, a recognised provider of e-payment and retail banking solutions, implemented its SmartVista processing software in CardStandard, one of the largest Russian processing centers, part of CFT Group.
The implemented solution was successfully certified to the PCI DSS requirements, proving its full compliance with the leading security standard in the payment card industry.
CardStandard is one of the core businesses of CFT Group. The company greatly contributes to the development of its customer base and works on enhancement of its services through the introduction of EMV cards processing functionality and launching modern payment services. To support its development strategy the company implemented the fully functional processing solution based on the SmartVista products: SmartVista Front-End switching system, SmartVista Back-Office card and merchant management system and SmartVista CardGen for card production, which currently performs the complete range of Visa cards operations. The further development of CardStandard includes SmartVista certification by the MasterCard payment scheme.
Within the project SmartVista was smoothly integrated with CardStandard's settlement bank - UralSib - to provide the full-fledged interaction among all the participants of the payment chain. To ensure smooth business migration to the new IT platform and quality support of co-branding card programmes, SmartVista solution was also integrated with CFT processing applications which will be further used to manage cards of the local payment scheme Zolotaya Korona,.
The implementation of the modern processing solution based on SmartVista software products enabled CardStandard to considerably expand its functionality in the area of customer servicing via ATMs allowing it to introduce new payment services available in the self-service mode. The enhanced services were accomplished using new SMS notification function supported with the special SmartVista notification module - SmartVista SMS-gateway - integrated with CFT's Mobile bank functionality which together allowed for enriching CFT's possibilities for informing customers about their accounts changes via mobile phones and originate messages on ATM failures.
After SmartVista installation CardStandard successfully passed certification to PCI DSS compliance. The standard, whose requirements are mandatory for banks, processing centers, financial organisations and merchants working with payment brands, involve both processing solution security and physical security of the data through different measures: from cardholder data encrypting to network monitoring and limitation of user access to the private information. At present it is considered the only efficient means of preventing fraudulent operations in the payments industry.