RiskMetrics Group, a leading provider of risk management and corporate governance services to the global financial community, today launched its Governance Policy Exchange, a first- ever platform that offers a direct view into the corporate governance policies and principles that drive the proxy voting decisions of leading institutions.
A testament to RiskMetrics' market leadership, no firm has ever assembled such a diverse collection of institutional policies into a single, accessible platform with powerful comparative tools. Policy Exchange users are able to compare and contrast diverse policy views spanning six governance topics and more than 100 sub-categories, facilitating more informed governance decision- making across the institutional investment community.
The initial participants in RiskMetrics Group's Policy Exchange include these leading institutions, known for their views on issues like board accountability, executive compensation, capital restructuring and shareholder rights: TIAA-CREF, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Domini Social Investments, the California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS), and the Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds. The policy extracts are supported with downloadable audio interviews with Policy Exchange participants. A feedback tool allows platform users to comment and submit questions to the participating institutions.
"Enabling access to a diverse range of voices on governance issues is a key part of our leadership role in the financial community," said Martha Carter, head of RiskMetrics Group's Governance Institute and Global Policy Board. "Our Policy Exchange provides unprecedented access to these policies and is truly a unique platform for advancing corporate governance dialogue and transparency through a network of recognized governance leaders."
In the coming weeks, new governance policies from institutional investors, issuers and industry groups will be added, building a library that reflects the financial community's broad range of perspectives on corporate governance.
"The Policy Exchange represents one more step in our continuing effort to serve as a corporate governance enabler for our clients," said Richard Leggett, head of RiskMetrics Governance Services unit. "It's a powerful demonstration of RiskMetrics commitment to bringing transparency, expertise and access to all financial market participants."