Telekurs Financial has gained the internationally active company Infinancials as a partner and supplier of business valuation analytics.
This information is harnessed for company analyses and comparative valuations of some 50,000 companies. By integrating the data offering of Infinancials, Telekurs Financial is pursuing its aim of positioning itself as an all-round supplier of global financial information.
In the diverse areas of finance - such as investment advisory, portfolio valuation, issuing, fund management and private equity, it is becoming increasingly important to correctly judge the opportunities and risks inherent in the company behind the stock. In these processes, it is critical to compare the target company with its peers of a particular country: the comparison only becomes meaningful when one compares companies from the same sector on an international basis.
To make this enhanced information offering available in a financial display, the Infinancials product "Corporatefocus" has been integrated into the Telekurs product "Telekurs iD java". The tool also includes depictions of the following information/key figures: selected price snapshots and history chart for the main market; interim results, forecast ratios, beta factors, capital structure and changes, enterprise value, market capitalisation, profitability, liquidity, operating result (EV/EBIT, EV/EBITDA), consolidated earnings as estimated by leading analysts, and so on.
"Since Infinancials doesn't just deliver the data, needed for global equity analysis but also the tools for company comparisons, Corporatefocus ideally compliments our own Telekurs iD", says Dominique Tanner, Head of Business Development at Telekurs Financial. And to quote Philippe Dalger, Business Development Director at Infinancials: "Infinancials is proud to join forces with a financial information leader like Telekurs Financial. With Corporatefocus available in Telekurs iD, Telekurs Financial will be able to strengthen their position and generate further growth."