The new SIA-SSB S.p.A. company, born from the merger between Società Interbancaria per l’Automazione – Cedborsa S.p.A. and Società per iServizi Bancari – SSB S.p.A., has been operative since 1 May 2007.
The new company Chairman is Carlo Tresoldi, previously Central Director of the Bank of Italy Treasury and Payment Systems area. The new CEO is Renzo Vanetti, previously SIA Group CEO, and the new Managing Director is Gian Bruno Mazzi, previously SSB CEO.
The new Group is composed of SIA-SSB, the parent company, and the subsidiaries Kedrios, Perago, RA Computer, SiNSYS and TSP, which will maintain autonomous corporate structures in order to enhance the existing partnerships.
Soon to be added to these is the Hungarian company GBC, purchase of which is currently pending authorisation to be issued by the local market antitrust authorities. The SIA-SSB Group workforce of currently totals 1,875 employees.