SoftSolutions! announces that EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A, one of the highest ranking banks in Southeastern and Central Europe, has renewed its contract with SoftSolutions! multiclient and multimarket e-trading platform, the XTrade! Square platform.
With advanced auto-quoting features, XTrade! Square permits traders full operability as market makers in a multi-market environment including Repo, Cash, Credits, Swaps and Forex products.
The robust and high performing platform architecture supports Market Making with automatic quote contribution in a multimarket environment, automatic hit and lift , real time market info, back office and real time STP integration plus a series of tailor made plugins that provide business valued features.
Theofanis Mylonas, Head of Government Bond Trading, Global Markets, says "Our desk has delivered strong results in 2006; the investments that the bank undertook in the area of e-trading, proved that it is able to deliver dollar value."
Michele Comi, SoftSolutions! Sales Director, says "We're very proud of this long term renewal. It is a clear indicator that the high level of support we guarantee our customers is a competitive advantage and delivers real value. The improvement offered with the recent additional GUI features plus the fact that the customer considers XTrade! Square as a really open platform ready for any new integration and service, permits us to satisfy customer needs both in the short and long term, with astonishingly low delivery times."