GL Trade, the leading provider of multi-market software solutions for financial institutions, today announced the appointment of Hugues Deroubaix as Director of its Buy Side businesses.
His role will be to manage the design and development of execution software products for Buy Side traders and to ensure their commercial success.
"The Buy Side community has been very enthusiastic about GL EMS since its launch at the end of 2006," remarked Vincent Burzynski, Group Managing Director for Front to Back Solutions. "Hugues' expertise in execution and algorithmic trading solutions is clearly a major advantage in establishing GL TRADE as a key supplier to the Buy Side community. Hugues' appointment to head this business area reflects GL TRADE's commitment to this market."
"My aim is to provide Buy Side traders with trading software that offers the same performance and sophistication as the solutions that I developed over several years for the Sell Side. The creation of a team with a sole focus on this area creates the ideal conditions to allow GL TRADE to enhance its position in this market," added Hugues Deroubaix.
Hugues Deroubaix, 38, is a graduate of HEC and joined GL TRADE's client services team in 1998. He occupied a number of posts within the company before becoming Director of Trading Products where his responsibilities included the development of the group's flagship GL WIN product. Whilst in this post, Hugues was also responsible for initiating and running the development of GL EMS, the execution management system designed specifically for Buy Side institutions.
GL TRADE already offers the Buy Side community complete multi-asset trading and order management systems, through GL WINWAY, GL EMS and ASPEN HEDGE, which it acquired as part of the acquisition of FNX.