Sterling Savings Bank and Viewpointe, jointly announced today that they are actively building connectivity for Sterling Savings Bank to exchange check images with other Viewpointe members and reach all of the nation's endpoints.
Using Viewpointe's Pointe2Pointe image exchange solution, Sterling Savings Bank can now quickly and easily engage in electronic image exchange, clearing and presentment with Viewpointe's customers, which include some of the nation's largest check processors. The synergy and volume concentration featured in the Pointe2Pointe solution eliminates the need for paper check exchange, clearing and processing in favor of more efficient electronic methods.
Connectivity will be implemented in the first quarter, enabling both Sterling Savings Bank and Viewpointe customers to begin sending and receiving electronic items through Viewpointe in early 2007. Pointe2Pointe makes it possible for financial institutions to connect with other banks in just 30-60 days following telecommunications installation. Implementation requires simple testing to ensure a consistent transmission of images. Once testing is complete, organizations can connect and exchange with additional financial institutions in as little as 14 days.
"Our relationship with Viewpointe gives us a very effective way to maximize our participation in electronic exchange," said Kade Peterson, SVP and banking support director for Sterling Savings Bank. "Through Viewpointe, we are able to immediately tap into massive check image volumes and expand our image exchange reach. This has tremendous long term value for Sterling and our customers."
Pointe2Pointe enables any financial institution to safely send and receive electronic check images, rather than paper, to Viewpointe's national archive customers and other Pointe2Pointe customers. As a result of joining Viewpointe, Sterling Savings Bank will immediately become a member of the Viewpointe User Group, an organization of Viewpointe customers that meets to discuss best practices and sets standards for image exchange.
Viewpointe CEO Lou Buglioli stated, "In 2007 there is no greater objective for banks than to get connected and begin exchanging checks electronically. Sterling is among the nation's forward thinking banks that are tapping into the largest repository of check volumes and endpoints, while helping to move the industry toward electronic image exchange."
"It is great to have Sterling as a new exchange partner," said Marie B. LaQuerre, senior vice president, Bank of America. "Our collective membership continues to seek ways to improve and streamline this industry transition. Sterling Savings Bank will add value to our overall efforts and will benefit all Viewpointe customers.''