Alan Steel Asset Management (ASAM) has signed a deal with the Fairs IFA division of Wealth Management Software (WMS) to implement further e-commerce technologies with their existing Fairs back office software system.
ASAM has taken on FairsOnline, which incorporates the latest EMX technology to transfer product provider data directly into the existing Fairs Manager back office database. FairsOnline cuts the need for staff to spend lengthy spells of time on the phone to providers requesting up to date unit positions and values. Online requests will enable ASAM to receive such information in minutes via the Origo link - the electronic trading link between product providers and IFA's.
Alan Steel Asset Management, based in Linlithgow near Edinburgh, is one of the largest Independent Financial Adviser companies in Scotland and has been a Fairs client for over 5 years.
Commenting on the deal, Alan Steel Chief Executive of ASAM said: "The bulk of the financial services industry pretends to provide what customers want by selling products rather than providing true service. Alan Steel Asset Management believes that those companies that are seen to provide actual advice and added value information as well as the products will win business. This new e-commerce software and service from WMS Fairs will undoubtedly assist us in giving our customers better service in the form of quick and accurate valuations across all of their investments."
A significant influence on the decision to implement FairsOnline was down to the flexible approach on offer from Fairs. Fairs tailor their software solutions where necessary to suit the exact business requirements of the financial practice.
Speaking about the partnership with Alan Steel, Gary Sawyer, Managing Director of WMS Fairs Division, said: "Alan Steel Asset Management is a true technology focused practice, they understand that e-commerce links need to offer in-depth functionality and actually provide benefits to the business processes within the IFA practice. Their decision to implement these links demonstrates that Fairs Software does more than simply scratching the surface, it provides time saving, efficient administration solutions where they are needed most, assisting the IFA to provide better service to their clients."
Sawyer continued: "Working in co-operation with Wealth Management Software, our new parent company, we are already utilising the available resources to show product improvement and enhancement. We believe that we now have the most comprehensive suite of software available for the IFA and Tied Agent markets, furthermore our software will continue to grow and be enhanced as necessary."