Fiducia switches ATMs to NCR's Aptra

Fiducia switches ATMs to NCR's Aptra

Hanover-based Fiducia, a German computing centre for credit cooperatives, is to roll out NCR's Aptra top client server (TCS) software across ATMs in the Kessel region.

Initially, the vendor-independent Aptra TCS soluton will replace the proprietary OS/2 operating system at 600 of its partner banks' ATMs.

Fiducia says the system will also allow it to switch to a local area network (LAN) based on standard protocols (TCP/IP). In addition, the ATMs will now use the same infrastructure as its workstations.

Jim Piggot, general manager and vice president at NCR's financial solutions division, says Fiducia has equipped itself with a flexible software architecture offering a standards-based solution that can stand up to future demands.

The project, worth $4.4 million, is scheduled to be completed in late 2003.

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