Tanzania's CRDB Bank has gone live with CR2's SmartBank package to provide its customers with secure multi-purse banking.
The bank says the electronic wallet and multi-channel delivery system will be used with its chip-based Tembo Card. CR2's software will enable customers to use the e-purse system for purchases and for withdrawing cash both over the counter and at the bank's ATMs.
SmartBank includes CR2's Sparrow POS, BankWorld ATM client and CardWorld Producer software, and hardware from SCI for NCR's ATMs, servers, POS terminals and card personalisation system.
Initial deployment will entail the circulation of 40,000+ smart cards accepted by six ATMs and 500 point-of-sale terminals. Subsequent phases will double these numbers over the coming year.
Charles Kimei, managing director, CRDB Bank, says: "CR2 was able to provide the most effective payment system along with both the software for the ATM and POS acceptance channels to give CRDB's customers the breadth of channels from which to benefit from the range of services we can offer our clients," he adds.
CRDB Bank's country-wide smart card scheme is the first in Tanzania.