Eurex Bonds, the electronic fixed income marketplace established by the German derivatives exchange, is to offer users real-time trading data and indices.
The exchange plans to package up currently tradable prices (best-ask and best-bid price) as well as trading data for completed transactions (last market price) for distribution over dealing screens beginning 2 September.
In a next step, Eurex Bonds, in cooperation with Deutsche Börse, also wants to offer real-time indices for the first time. They will be based on best-bid and best-ask prices as well as the last market prices of the completed trades in fixed-income securities.
The Eurex Bonds price data is distributed as a separate information product by Deutsche Börse Information Products Division via the CEF (Consolidated Exchange Feed) data distribution system. The subscription to Eurex Bonds data will be free of charge up to and including February 2003, says the exchange.