BBVA brings info and payments to social and messaging networks

BBVA brings info and payments to social and messaging networks

BBVA is embedding more deeply with social and messaging networks through a new bot that lets Spanish customers access financial information via Facebook and Telegram, and a tool for making payments from Whatsapp.

With some 86% of Spanish internet users accessing Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram at least once a day, BBVA says it wants to make it easier for customers to carry out everyday transactions without having to leave their social networks.

In a Spanish first, the new chatbot allows customers to view financial information such as their available account balance summaries, their IBANs, or the remaining credit on their cards from within Telegram or Facebook Messenger.

For Messenger, customers need only find the @bbva­­_espana link or go directly to BBVA Spain, while in order to obtain access via Telegram, they can seek out the @bbva­­_esp­_bot contact.

Meanwhile, the new Cashup tool lets customers registered to the Bizum payment service send money to any contact instantly without having to leave their chat, no matter whether they are within Whatsapp, Telegram, Hangouts, Messenger, or another messaging app.

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