Maryland-based Wiesenberger, a division of Thomson Financial, has launched AdvisorViewpoint v1.0, a Web-based asset allocation, risk assessment and portfolio management tool designed to help advisors build comprehensive and successful investment plans for their clients.
The solution is the first of an integrated suite of tools, to be known as Thomson Advisor, that will deliver a unique wealth management solution across the financial advisors' value chain enabling online collaboration with their clients, says the company.
AdvisorViewpoint v1.0 offers asset allocation and portfolio analysis capabilities, allowing an advisor to build portfolios based on the client's actual holdings, rebalance the portfolio's asset allocation based on the client's time horizon and risk tolerance and create a suitable implementation plan to help clients reach their financial goals. With a full range of NASD-complaint reports, AdvisorViewpoint v1.0 also allows advisors to produce high-quality, professional investment plans to present to clients.
In addition, AdvisorViewpoint v1.0 incorporates an optional security classification and rebalancing feature powered by Ibbotson Associates' "Style Analysis", enabling advisors to analyse the client's current portfolio and determine the action needed to achieve the desired investment goals.
The solution will be available for private labeling and personalisation to fit the firm's specific needs.