FXall, the multi-bank foreign exchange trading portal has implemented California-based Remedy's customer relationship management (CRM) solutions - Remedy Customer Support, Remedy Sales Continuum, Remedy Quality Management and Flashboards.
The move forms part of an initiative to streamline FXall's sales and customer support processes in advance of the full commerical release of the service. The implementation of the Remedy CRM solutions took fewer than 90 days, and FXall anticipates a return on its investment quickly, reports the company.
Mike Mendes, COO of FXall, says: "Because our partners and clients conduct large, complex financial transactions at a moment's notice, impeccable customer service is essential...We evaluated all of the leading CRM vendors, and Remedy was the clear victor."
FXall is a multi-bank electronic FX price discovery and trade execution portal for large corporate currency dealers.