Online brokerage CSFBDirect is stepping up its clicks-to-bricks conversion campaign with the opening of its first physical branch office in mid-town Manhattan.
The new invest centre opens for business on 13 March and is located at 300 Park Avenue at the corner of 49th Street. It follows the launch of a pilot branch in Boca Raton, Florida in June last year. CSFB says the centre will support self-directed investors seeking higher levels of personal service through a local physical site.
Blake Darcy, chief executive officer of CSFBdirect, comments: "This branch office marks the beginning of a new level of service that we will provide our clients, adding the convenience of a local presence where they may conduct business on a more personal level."
Experienced investment professionals will be on hand to demonstrate CSFBdirect's financial products and services, answer technical questions, and assist investors in opening accounts. The centre offers computers for customer use, monitors displaying the CSFBdirect Web site, televised financial news broadcasts, private conference rooms, and a seminar area.
Darcey says that CSFBdirect plans to open a number of additional investment centres throughout the US during the year.
Citing the brokerage firm's evolution from "clicks to bricks," he adds: "The lines between traditional and online brokerage continue to blur. Self-directed investors are seeking higher levels of personal service and the convenience of a local physical site, where they can deposit securities or funds and find assistance."