Trading Computers ships 'world's fastest' PC for HFT

Source: Trading Computers

Addressing the needs of the financial markets traders from around the world, EZ Trading Computers unveils the world's fastest personal supercomputer for trading. This new model, dubbed The Ultimate X, is specifically configured to benefit day trading, high frequency trading, algorithmic trading, back testing and forward testing.

The biggest beneficiary of this type of machine is the advanced professional trader who is looking for the fastest and most advanced piece of trading technology available.

The Ultimate X, is designed to utilize Intel's Xeon E5-2600 series of processors and runs 140% faster than models using the new Intel i7-4700 Haswell. The Ultimate X also features two solid state hard drives, a whopping 64 Gigabytes of RAM and a Blu-Ray optical drive. Additionally, this machine will support 8 monitors right out of the box. You can view the entire configuration by visiting

"Traders who absolutely must stay on the cutting edge of power and speed will greatly appreciate the new Ultimate X Personal Supercomputer," explains Russ Hazelcorn, better known as Eddie Z and COO of EZ Trading Computers. "Advanced traders who use complex formulas and algorithms to generate buy and sell orders stand benefit the most. But, even the home based day trader, who enters orders manually, will see a huge improvement in their overall trading experience," continued Hazelcorn. 

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