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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Can you really test ethical behaviour?

I have never known ethics to be talked about so much as in the last year or two and we all know why. However, I was intrigued the other day when the Chartered Institute of Investment Services (CISI) (of which I am a founder member having been grandfathered in through my Stock Exchange membership) sent me an email stating that from next year all me...

/regulation /wholesale MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Social media within financial services

The explosion in members of social media sites shows no sign of slowing down and with Twitter now well established and introducing further expansion, the time may soon be with us when all the world’s population will be connected. There is of course quite a moral argument about privacy and the risks that multilateral connectivity can bring, not lea...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Collateral liquidity and possible solutions

Collateral liquidity is causing huge concerns at the moment and this could really move towards the top of the industry to do list by this time next year. OTC is very likely to suck even more liquidity from the market and with regulatory and political interference with short selling and stock borrowing and lending; the liquidity problem in collater...

/security EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Ratings gone quiet or the lull before the calm

Since LIBOR broke into media frenzy territory the noise around ratings has gone pretty quiet. Although we have seen the appointment of Kevin Milne one of the City’s best assets by RVS the Singaporean headquartered Rate Validation Services benchmarking company and we have had Martin Wheatley the UKs regulatory great hope, if not quite yet saviour, ...

/regulation MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Getting to grips with Rogue Traders

At a City forum yesterday a representative from the FSA presented the seventeen definitions behind the operational risk management principles, which financial services firms are expected to practice to prevent rogue trading and other fraudulent activities. I could not help noticing that the word ‘limit’ was used frugally. It was in fact only used o...

/regulation MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Banking becoming Clearer

Most market experts agree that putting OTC into central clearing is a bad idea born from good intentions, but terrible knowledge of market operations and how to reduce risks. To the politician and the regulator its simples! CCPs operated extraordinary well during the height of the financial crisis and prevented the complete breakdown of global mark...

/regulation EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Risks in reducing the settlement cycle

There is much talk about reducing the settlement cycle to T+2 on both sides of the Atlantic and its shaping up that markets will move to T+2 sometime soon in the future. Much of the motivation comes from the need to reduce counterparty risk. This really is the risk flavour of the month and appears to be driving the regulatory push with alm...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Anti-money laundering - the final solution

Money laundering continues to be a scourge on financial services. Recent cases of some of biggest and most respected banks clearly demonstrate that as time goes by the risk of money laundering keeps increasing. Despite decades of measures and huge expenditure on anti-money laundering systems the figures show we are losing the battle. Indeed the si...

/regulation Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Bringing greater efficiency to payments

The payments industry has been a sticking point in financial services for quite some time. Vested interests and a concentration of far too much business between too few banks have created development inertia, best evidenced by the SEPA slow train. SEPA was virtually a universal agreed development, if you take banks out of the equation. However, th...

Post-Trade Forum

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

May be it's because I'm a Londoner

Well it’s over and the golden time is finished for another four years, after a great East End knees up that once again showcased the British culture and talent that we have given the world. The last two weeks has been almost mystical, when London became a modern day Camelot where millions of smiling and happy faces all came together with all the o...

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