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Mike Davies

Challenging the challengers on customer communication

Anthony Thompson, former founder of Metro Bank, laid down his vision for banking recently in an interview with Marketing Week: “nobody cares about banking”. For him, he sees banking as a basic service...

27 Nov 2015
Mike Davies

Loyalty comes through being present and personable

Last week started poorly for NatWest - another mobile banking service outage left customers of RBS and NatWest without access to their account on the morning of the 20th April. Both banks were fast t...

28 Apr 2015
Mike Davies

Banking gets in shape - 2015 predictions

I often think making exact predictions on what will happen in a year’s time is a fool’s game. What can be a useful exercise though is to look at the trends of 2014 and see where these might be headed....

07 Jan 2015
Mike Davies

Technology giants don’t have banks scared...yet

Financial services organisations aren’t technophobes. Technology has enabled advances in modern banking with the likes of Big Data and digital signatures reaping benefits for banks and their customers...

28 Oct 2014
Mike Davies

From retailer to retail bank; why customer service is vital

Retail brands sell themselves with customer service. Whether it is through social media, in-store or via email, effective customer engagement is vital for retailers to ensure return business. If a cus...

15 Oct 2014
Mike Davies

It's the customer, stupid

Think tanks and marketing strategists can spend hours – and millions of dollars – on developing headline-grabbing policies and campaigns to get people to spend more. But in reality, it’s actually quit...

01 Oct 2013
Mike Davies

Empowering the first line of defence

Losses from fraud remains one of the biggest headaches in the financial industry, and it is very rarely perceived as the customer’s problem in the mainstream press. Fraud prevention also remains a spa...

16 Sep 2013

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