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Robert Siciliano

Should You Use Near-Field Communications?

Have you ever wondered what kind of superpower you’d have? I’ve always wanted to send messages and ideas with my mind to others. My dream can sort of come true with near-field communications (NFC). ...

26 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

Synthetic Identity Theft hard to detect

A criminal can do a lot with “only” your Social Security number, says a report from Okay, so he doesn’t have the name that goes with the number. Big deal—he’ll just make one up to go ...

23 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

Social Media Identity Theft leads to Arrest

Are you one who believes you’re too smart, too savvy, to get your identity stolen in the social media world? Nobody thinks this will happen to them, and Stephanie Francis, 24, was no exception to that...

19 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

Card Company's boosting Payment Security with Mobile

Whoever thought that one day, paying with green paper would be viewed as primitive as a horse and buggy? We seem to be getting closer to that time, especially since the security of making payments via...

18 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

Chip and PIN, will It save Us?

Many Americans, says a recent survey by Gallup, worry about a data breach connected to the use of their credit cards. Interestingly, many people use a credit card for everything under the sun: even ju...

17 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

Russian Hackers getting rich from your Identity

Where’s the $$$ at? Selling credit card data. Have you heard of the Russian hacking ring that raked in two and a half billion dollars? Check it out: Phishing attacks are lucrative for these cybercr...

10 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

Chip and PIN vs. Chip and Signature Cards

The planet’s most powerful nation is sure backwards when it comes to the payment card industry: Why has America been using 1970s technology as of the posting date of this article? That magnetic strip ...

08 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

Identity Theft of the Dead affects the Living

You don’t have to be living to have your identity stolen. Every year in America there’s 2.5 million cases of ID theft involving the deceased. And while your first reaction might be “So what, I’ll be d...

06 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

How to win the War on Phishing

A phishing attack is a trick e-mail sent randomly to perhaps a million recipients, and the thief counts on the numbers game aspect: Out of any given huge number of people, a significant percentage wil...

04 Dec 2014
Robert Siciliano

10 Tips to avoid Scams when traveling

Vacationers and tourists provide a vast feeding ground for all sorts of crooks: from the simple pick-pocketing specialist to the hotel room burglar to the e-thief: credit card skimming and computer cr...

27 Nov 2014
Robert Siciliano

The Credit Card Fraud Mob Boss

There once was a guy named Albert Gonzalez who dressed like a woman—but not because he got off on this, but because he wanted to conceal his actual appearance while he used a ream of phony cards to st...

26 Nov 2014
Robert Siciliano

How The Internet of Things can go very wrong

The Internet—one of history’s greatest inventions—is also one of history’s greatest platforms for crime. Here are ways things can go very wrong with the Internet of Things. Med-hacking. Researchers ...

25 Nov 2014

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