Willem Lambrechts

Willem Lambrechts

Managing Director at Drebbel
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Bio Running a technology brokerage with strong focus on financial services and financial markets. Career History After 4 years in the merchant navy I have been in international B2B technology sales. For the last 4 and a half years I have been running Drebbel Technology Brokers. The 13 years before that I was in charge of the BT Radianz business in Northern Europe.


Fintech innovation and startups

The pre-seed funding gap.

16 Feb 2023

56 % drop in fintech investments...interesting number... however, the headline doesn't tell it all... The total amount invested in fintechs fell 56 %, ok. However , the total number of investments in fintech dropped only by 18 %. If it were for rising interests exclusively, the number of investments would have gone down proportionally... Where the...

Sustainable compliance

ESG and International Sales : how to marry them?

15 Apr 2022

Covid-19, or rather the measures taken to try and prevent the virus from spreading, had a major impact on the global society. This is not likely to become the hot news of the day... Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) and the growing number of measures taken to enforce the ESG focus in enterprise boardrooms and investment committees is...

Capital Markets Technology

What a day! Fix Emea 2022 in London

29 Mar 2022

What a day last Thursday! 2 years and 2 weeks elapsed since the last FIX EMEA trading conference in London! An absolute eternity! I felt excited like a schoolboy leaving home for the first day of the new school year… Who will be there again? Who switched classes? How did things go over the last 2 years? How well did it feel, getting on the Eurostar...

Cloud Banking out of the Box

Public Cloud - Private Cloud - or no cloud?

14 Dec 2021

Amazon, Google, Azure,...all three public cloud providers were forced to inform their clients and shareholders about vulnerabilities in the software they use and make available to their customers. Nobody will deny that cloud services offer a lot of advantages compared to on-premise systems and software. Not surprisingly however, security is the big...

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