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2017 (1)
James Barret

James Barret

Senior Director at Endace:
Message Message me Posts: 1 Comments: 0
Bio Senior Director at Endace, I have spent the past 15 years using packet data to get to the root cause of network performance and security problems, and helping others to do the same. Career History I am also interested in advanced interactive technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality and spend some of my spare time working on ways to include these into the way that we work and live.


Information Security

The Equifax Debacle: An Alarm Bell for Banks?

18 Sep 2017

Watching the Equifax debacle unfold has been a bit like watching a badly written coming of age story - just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. The plot has certainly thickened as it has gone on, and last week, in seven short days we learned of the Apache Struts patch vulnerability neglect through to the latest development in Argentin...