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Finance-related iPad apps launch

Finance firms from Nasdaq OMX to Twitter founder Jack Dorsey's Square have moved to tap the Apple iPad hype with the launch of apps for the new hardware.

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iPad - Thinking of financial apps

As iPad was released, a lots of developers already started up their engines to create thousands or even millions of different apps, so the financial ones will be there too.

The good thing about the iPad that on the first run, we do not know for what we can use it. The developers themselves are exhaustively thinking about it, to find a good idea and create a killer app, so somebody will pay for eventually.

There are already few financial apps available for the iPad, and I can imagine some more.

My expectations for the financial app category for iPad:

  • Capital market data and real-time portfolio visualisations from my investment bank
  • Super-intuitive loan calculators and repayment plans (to replace branch advisory)
  • Simplified, touch-driven online banking
  • Credit card image designer
  • Electronic purse
  • Account aggregation / Personal finance management apps (mint, wesabe)
  • Price comparison of financial products
  • ATM and branch locator

What would you expect from the iPad?


Comments: (3)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 08 April, 2010, 14:11Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

József- not specific apps but a category shift. Devices like the iPad/iPhone will be the norm for online banking within 5 years. Banking at the desktop or via laptop will be seen as the second best option. The apps on those devices will dissolve the boundaries between channels - online, voice, video, messaging, and email will be seamlessly merged. Rich interfaces will be the norm. There will be challenges to meet this demand, especially with security and call-centre agent skills.


A Finextra member
A Finextra member 08 April, 2010, 20:08Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Chris, I agree with you, touch technology based devices are radically changing the expectations of the users about how softwares should work. Simplicity and visualization are the two key elements to be intuitive in my opinion. An interesting TEDcast on something similar. 

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 12 April, 2010, 14:09Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

As with other 'mobile devices', sending emails + attachments will become the norm, and with it the potentially expensive risk of accidental document metadata leakage - unless the firm is thinking ahead to metadata cleaning at server level.

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