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More changes at Finextra

I've just released our new blog listing pages into the wild. You may need to empty your browser cache to see them properly.

We've added photos to the most recent items as well as page and comment counts - so you can see at a glance what other people are looking at.

If you haven't uploaded a photo yet - it's easy.

  1. Take a picture. It's best to start with a landscape format, head and shoulders shot. A snapshot with you somewhere on the horizon or in the middle of a crowd isn't likely to work. One snapped with your laptop camera is probably ideal!
  2. Log in and click on HOME in the top toolbar and PHOTO in the right hand panel options panel. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload. We resize and compress it to fit the site.

That's it. There's plenty more in the pipeline so stay tuned.


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