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Tips to survive Sibos in Boston

So Swift sent out a list on 'How to survive Sibos' on its events page. It included tips like 'download Sibos Issues and 'Sibos Daily News' ??!!

Or, maybe, (here's a thought) you could just bookmark for a week! I don't go without food or sleep for four days doing videos on payments, T2S and intraday liquidity for my health ya know!


Anyway, since Sibos is in Boston this year (my home town!) I thought I would give some tips. 

Boston is a lovely, good sized, walkable city. Don't waste money on cabs. It's easy to get anywhere - especially if you're in the centre. (and the airport is really close to the city) When in doubt, follow the red lines on the sidewalk. It's called the 'Freedom Trail' and will lead you back to any trourist areas, and therefore hotels and cabs. 

Bostonians are not friendly, but they are helpful, (if you need help). If you are familar with Calvinist philosphy, you'll fit right in. If you are looking for downhome hospitality, wait for Sibos to return to Altanta (or Dublin).

The T or (if you insist, the subway or metro or train) takes what is called a Charlie Card. It is a pre-paid debit card. Each ride, whether you go one stop or 20 is the same. Everyone in Boston knows why it is called the 'Charlie Card' and it is in my Bostonian nature not to spell it out to you.  

End of September, early October is basically the perfect weather to visit Boston. Bring a light jacket. Stay a week after, the leaves are just starting to turn.

While you are there make sure you eat fried clams at least once. You can't get them anywhere else in the world (unlike lobster) They are the food of my childhood and would definitly be on my death row menu. You can go all 'Full New England' and order them in a hot dog roll, if you can. :-)

If you have time for tourist activities, ride the Swan Boats. Please. Just do it. Years later, you will be happy that you did. 

Please don't visit the Cheers Bar in Faneuil Hall Marketplace, please? And please don't visit the the Bull & Finch Pub beside the Public Gardens. Not unless you really want to visit the Bull & Finch Pub and will not on any account say out loud, 'this looks NOTHING like the Cheers Bar from TV!'

Please, just don't. For me?

Other than that, you know how to attend Sibos. Wear sensible shoes, drink lots of water, have some tea and drop by the Finextra booth to say hi.



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Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley

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