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Open Banking - PSD2: Thoughts and Discussions

  1. Make versus Buy - Develop your own API's or simply Buy from a Trusted 3rd Party?
  2. Should Bank's also be TPP's?
  3. Monetisation
  4. BigTech/FinTech - Competitors or Collaborators?
  5. PSD2 and GDPR - dichotomy?
  6. How do Visa and Mastercard react to PIS?
  7. Different adoption rates for AIS and PIS?
  8. Wild West without SCA?
  9. Liability - Banks or TPP's?
  10. PSD3?

Comments: (1)

Paul Love
Paul Love - Konsentus - Nottingham 09 January, 2019, 09:58Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes Brian,  Some good thoughst - my contrbutions below: 
  1. Make versus Buy - Develop your own API's or simply Buy from a Trusted 3rd Party?
    - How modern/open is your CBS?
    - Do you have the time and energy?
  2. Should Bank's also be TPP's?
    - Yes
  3. Monetisation
    - The hardest question here - lead or be led?
  4. BigTech/FinTech - Competitors or Collaborators?
    - Collaboration is the current favourite.
  5. PSD2 and GDPR - dichotomy?
    - Too deep, both are worthy causes mired by poor regulation and implemetion.
  6. How do Visa and Mastercard react to PIS?
    - Adapt or die.
  7. Different adoption rates for AIS and PIS?
    - They are differnt things, like comaparing newspaper vs letter.
  8. Wild West without SCA?
    - A worthy cause mired by poor regulation and implemetion
  9. Liability - Banks or TPP's?
    - Follow the money - banks hold the money!
  10. PSD3?
    - A second vote on PSD2?


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