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McDonald's trials mobile phone coupons

McDonald’s Japan has just launched Kazasu Coupon, a programme that sends digital vouchers to your mobile phone which are redeemed in store by tapping your handset against a contactless POS reader.

To take advantage, you just download an application to your phone and register via mobile web, selecting the coupons you want.

The system, which is being trialled in 175 stores, uses the Sony Felica RFID technology that is installed on most Japanese phones.

McDonald’s is open about the fact this is essentially a great CRM tool, enabling it to target campaigns based on purchase history.

According to the McDonald’s press release - mangled through a Web translation service: “Because of this, you expect that you can utilize MaDONALD more pleasantly in your many customers.”

Well, you get the idea.


Comments: (2)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 26 May, 2008, 14:12Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Interesting use of RFID chips - but, did McDonalds know they can easily serve up the same excellent CRM and coupons via mobile barcodes and Mobile Optical Readers - at less cost and more effectively as Optical Reading is not so limited  - if you can print a code somewhere - you can read it - so reaches more channels and cross media. It's also possible to roll this out worldwide with just one mobile program.


Maybe it's better for McDonalds to serve this up without chips (ahem!) 


Mark Hendriksen, CEO UpCode Mobile Solutions UK  

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 27 May, 2008, 11:29Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Hmm vouchers in stores, we had some fun trailing that on our Happy Packages project,

There were a few factors that need to be taken into consideration, the distrubution, and cost of vouchers, but apart from that we found people loved having a money off voucher for eating out. 

The funny thing about the distribution was, never Bluetooth any vouchers when people are eating, greasy + hands + phone = messy keypad and no-one wanting to accept them :)

 The blog post,

 Thought Dan :



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