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New work - a renaissance in humaneness..

On the road to a fascinating and much better future of work and private life my take would include the following main milestones:


  1. Moores law making computing expontially more efficient, cheaper and smaller
  2. Corporate and public sector legacy moving to cloud computing environment – connecting to other data and service ecosystems more easily
  3. Internet connecting everybody for awareness and transparency
  4. Mobile leading to 24.7. coverage
  5. Big Data algorithms producing new ever more insightful propositions
  6. Computers outperforming humans in several areas
  7. Internet of Things interconnecting everything


This will of course mean further leaps in productivity, sustainability and transparency. But above all it will lead to New Work as all present “robotlike” work will be automated. This new work is focusing on learning – in particular learning together – a renaissance in humaneness. More in a landmark report by Esko Kilpi:ä-sarja/Selvityksia114.pdf

To get there – and also to many other important goals - we need to look at new radical ways to organize tomorrows work. This surely looks interesting in: by Frederic Laloux



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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

Member since

04 Nov 2008


Helsinki Region

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